16,705 jammers joined the Global Game Jam 2013. In Hong Kong, we produced 15 games in 48 hours. Globally, more than 3,000 games were made. All games are available online, the ones made in Hong Kong you can find here:http://globalgamejam.org/ sites/2013/hong-kong/games
While all games were innovative and extremely well executed considering the time constraint, we awarded five games with sponsored prizes. It goes without saying that the decisions were extremely hard to make. List of awards in no particular order follows.
Sony Social Impact Award
Milk Finder
Outblaze Game Jam Theme Award
Jack the Matcher
Logitech Special Mention
Heartbeat Hunter
BlackBerry Most Innovative Mobile Game
Rescue Party
Cyberport Judges' Pick
Heavy Balance
I am grateful to the members of the jury, who were
Mr Yim Chun Pang from City University of Hong Kong
Mr Richard Chui from OEM Interactive
Mr Frankie Tam from Hong Kong Digital Game-Based Learning Association
Mr Tony Zander from Plastic fantastic
During the event we heard talks by
Mr James Hong
Director and General Manager
Sony Computer Entertainment Hong Kong
Mr Alan Wong
Application Development Consultant
BlackBerry, Research in Motion Hong Kong
Mr Ken Chan and Mr Mark Chu
founder/Chairman and Vice Chairman/Convener
Hong Kong Game Development Association
We were one of the official Games for Change locations this year. 6 of our games were made 'the bigger picture' constraint in mind and those games will be presented at the annual Games for Change Festival in NYC this summer. For more information, see http://gamesforchange.org/ festival2013/
Our partnering institutions and NGOs were IVE and Hong Kong Design Institute, SCAD Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong (School of Creative Media), Hong Kong Digital Game-Based Learning Association, Hong Kong Game Development Association, International Game Developer's Association Hong Kong and Games for Change.
Our sponsors were BlackBerry, Cyberport, Logitech, OEM Interactive, Outblaze, and Sony.
Thank you for all participants and other contributors!